Geography at City of Birmingham School


Pupils will study geography for two half terms per year throughout key stage 3. These lessons will follow topics that enable Pupils to investigate the three main strands of geography: physical geography, human geography and environmental geography.

The schemes of learning are divided into three categories to ensure we cover each of the core strands of geography. These are: The natural World, People and Places and Changing Environment.

Schemes of learning are planned to cover the National Curriculum syllabus and units are included that allow pupils to focus on current geographical topics.

The Aims of Geography at City of Birmingham School:

  • To develop in our pupils an understanding of the world in which we live
  • To enable our pupils to understand some of the environmental problems facing planet Earth today
  • To allow pupils to reflect on the impact of humans on the environment both locally and globally
  • To allow our pupils to develop key geographical skills
  • To develop pupils knowledge of the natural world
  • To help pupils develop knowledge of their physical and social environment
  • To enhance pupils literacy and numeracy skills
  • To develop pupils communication skills


Assessment in geography

Each unit of work includes a mid- point written assessment that will enable staff to monitor progress and identify any gaps in learning. A final assessment will be completed at the end of each unit and the lesson following the assessment will provide dedicated improvement and reflection time to enable pupils to reflect on their learning and make improvements to maximise progress.

Staff will also use ongoing formative assessment throughout the lessons to continually monitor the progress of students. This will include giving personalised written and oral feedback to pupils on a regular basis.


Key Stage 3- Curriculum Content:


KS3 Geography -programmes of study

Cycle 1

Cycle 2


People and places: Map skills


This is an introduction to key map skills that pupils will need throughout the Geography programme of study. Using symbols and locations to accurately read and use OS maps. Also identifying the different ways relief can be shown on maps.


Changing Planet: Population-

This is an introduction to the problems of a growing global population. Pupils will investigate the reasons for population growth and the impact it is having on the planet. Perhaps, most importantly pupils will consider the options for the future of the planet if current trend continue


People and places: Geographical Key skills


Applying more technical skills to using maps including analysing data from maps, and describing routes and locations. Pupils will also investigate different types of maps and how they can be used .Here we will focus on choropleth maps. Pupils will also be able identify settlement patterns accurately.

People and Places: Urbanisation-


Pupils will understand how our towns and cities grew and understand the significance of the industrial revolution on urbanisation. Manchester will be our case study  to demonstrate the effects of urbanisation on the population and the  environment.


People and Places: About the UK-


Investigating the geography of the UK by using our geographical skills to identify physical features of the UK. Pupils also learn about the weather in the UK and some key aspect of human geography in the UK including population density and the impact of migration.

The Natural World: Restless planet-

During this unit pupils will find out about the Earth’s plates, earthquakes and volcanoes. They will explore the effects of some natural disasters on the planet and the consequences of living in a ‘danger zone’. Pupils will also consider the possibility of prevention.


The Natural World: Rivers-


The particular focus here will be the River Thames. Pupils will learn about the course of rivers and the part they play in our lives-even though we may not realise this!  We will also evaluate the effectiveness of a range of flood defences.

The Natural World: Coasts-


As an island nation we have a large coastline around the UK. Using geographical skills pupils will learn about the natural coastal environment but also about the consequences of erosion and the impact of human activity on our precious coastline.


People and places: Asia


An introduction to the study of Asia. Using geographical skills to investigate Asia’s countries and regions pupils will learn about its populations, physical features and biomes.

The Natural World: Weather and climate-


Here pupils will learn about the causes of different weather and climate patterns. We will compare different climate zones around the word and assess the impact of these climates on the people who live there.


Changing Environment:  West China- A case study


Here pupils will learn about the rise of China and the significant impacts of this.  We will focus on the area of Chongqing which has the fasted growing urban area on the planet!

Changing Environment: Our Warming planet


This unit is all about global warming.  Pupils will investigate the causes of global warming and the impact it is having on life on Earth. Pupils will also consider what can be done to prevent global warming in our lifetime and by future generations.

Some Useful websites


A website for fun geography quizzes. A good way to help revision or to test knowledge.

Interactive resources to deepen knowledge

A useful resource that covers a whole range of topics. Can be used for revision or to deepen pupils learning


An excellent resource that will help to sharpen up those map reading skills in a fun way

Another excellent resource to help with map skills and reading OS symbols

It’s pretty hard to be an excellent geographer without an atlas. This interactive one is brilliant. It can take you anywhere in the world!

A whole range of interesting facts and links to videos and information about a variety of geographical topics.


For further information please speak to a member of the Humanities teaching staff:

Grove- Mr Hill

Millpool- Ms Murphy

Oxted Hall - Mr Sharma


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